Dry-Hopped Grisette
Grizacca is a dry-hoppedDry-hoppedDry-hopping is when fresh, whole cone, leaf, or pelletized hops are added to a beer during or after fermentation. This imparts bright hop aromatics without significantly contributing to bitterness. We showcase both American and continental European hops across a variety of our farmhouse ales and lagers.Learn More farmhouse aleFarmhouse AlesFarmhouse Ales refers to the family of French and Belgian beer styles produced seasonally on working farms with well water, local ingredients and often with wild yeast and native microflora. While originally these were provisional beers brewed for consumption by seasonal workers, breweries began producing higher strength and aged versions for commercial appeal.Learn More brewed with speltSpeltSpelt is an heirloom wheat varietal whose lineage in brewing can be traced as far back as ancient Sumeria. This rustic grain contributes to the body and mouthfeel of many of our beers and has a distinct nutty flavor and aroma.Learn More.