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The Oxbow Beer Garden will be closed on Saturday September 21st for a private wedding.

Liquid Swords 2017

Barrel-Aged Dark Farmhouse Ale

Liquid Swords is our annual Grand CruGrand CruGrand Cru is a term derived from the wine world and in our context refers to a single beer blended from unique barrels of celebratory quality and character. Each year we produce Liquid Swords which is our annual selection of our finest barrels and ranges in color, acidity, barrel type, and style depending on the...Learn More. The 2017 blend incorporates Barrel-agedBarrel-agedBarrel-aging at Oxbow takes place in our Portland warehouse where an array of farmhouse ales are aged anywhere from a few months to several years in various sized wine, bourbon, and other spirit barrels. Barrels contribute complex tannins and vanillins and the porous wood is ideal for harboring yeast and bacteria which reproduce and create...Learn More Bière de GardeBière de GardeBière de Garde is a malt-forward French farmhouse ale and translates to “beer for keeping” or “beer which has been kept or held.” These beers are higher strength with lower hopping rates than saisons and undergo a long, cold maturation period before being served. Traditional or historic bière de gardes were aged with mixed cultures...Learn More and dark farmhouse alesFarmhouse AlesFarmhouse Ales refers to the family of French and Belgian beer styles produced seasonally on working farms with well water, local ingredients and often with wild yeast and native microflora. While originally these were provisional beers brewed for consumption by seasonal workers, breweries began producing higher strength and aged versions for commercial appeal.Learn More.

Production Method Barrel-aged, Mixed-fermentation
Color Dark Brown
Packaging Format 500mL btl
ABV 8%