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Kalamata’s Kitchen Book Tour Stops at Oxbow Blending & Bottling

November 6, 2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
| food
Come join us for a live reading and book signing by Kalamata’s Kitchen author and co-founder Sarah Thomas and illustrator Jo Kosmides Edwards at our Portland location! Enjoy a free tasting with bites from Duckfat, Chaval and
Atlantic Sea Farms. Signed books available for purchase from Longfellow Books. It all started when Derek Wallace, a busy dad, was looking for a way to share his passion for food and new experiences with his young son. He had an idea, and with a fruitful call to friend and sommelier, Sarah Thomas, Kalamata and her kitchen were dreamed up, and the rest is delicious history. Learn more about Kalamata’s Kitchen’s story!