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The Oxbow Beer Garden will be closed on Saturday September 14th for a private wedding.

Open Air

Blended Farmhouse Ale with Fruit

Open Air is a blend of saisonSaisonSaison means “season” in French and refers to the “saisonaires” or the seasonal farm workers of Wallonia who consumed farmhouse ales during the summer which were produced during the cooler months. These provisional beers were also called saisons and were nourishing and more potable than potentially-contaminated well water. Saisons are blonde in color with a...Learn More fermented outdoors in a coolshopCoolshipA coolship is a large shallow vessel used to cool and inoculate wort with wild yeast and native microflora. Our coolship is situated outside of our Newcastle brewery and used during the colder months to produce wort for Native/Wild.Learn More and farmhouse aleFarmhouse AlesFarmhouse Ales refers to the family of French and Belgian beer styles produced seasonally on working farms with well water, local ingredients and often with wild yeast and native microflora. While originally these were provisional beers brewed for consumption by seasonal workers, breweries began producing higher strength and aged versions for commercial appeal.Learn More aged on estate cherries and raspberries. This beer was produced in collaboration with Fonta Flora Brewery and features 100% Maine ingredients.

Color Amber
Packaging Format 500mL btl
ABV 6.5%